I have started integrating Account Kit, but have many questions.
Initially i wanted to use a refresh token to refresh the user's session, but now i realised i can use silent sign-in instead.
I`m wondering exactly under which circumstances the silent sign-in might fail.
I have read this Docs:
after 10.000 silent sign-ins, it will fail. Does something like this happen? Is silent sign-in related to the validity of the refresh token?
I think the silent sign-in will only fail if the user has not logged in before or has not authorized all the requested scopes.
I don't know if my guess is correct. Does anyone else know?
I think i figured out the problem.
Silent sign fails only in the following scenarios (in this scenarios an error code is returned and the login page is not displayed):
The user first login the app.
The system account is not logged in.
Can use the authorization-code mode:https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/en/doc/development/HMSCore-Guides-V5/app-login-authorization-code-0000001050193881-V5#ZH-CN_TOPIC_0000001063940385__section1234212547126?ha_source=hms1
When get the authorization code you can get AT and RT from server, after the AT is expired, you can get a new AT by RT. The invoking limit does not affect the invoking of the SDK on the device side.