
LayoutError at /invoice/ Flowable <PmlTable@0x1D09C899130 7 rows x 5 cols(tallest row 841)> with cell(0,0)

I am trying to print invoice in PDF format in Django I used xhtml2pdf to convert HTML doc. to PDF but when I try to run my code it gives me this error :

LayoutError at /invoice/ Flowable <PmlTable@0x1D09C899130 7 rows x 5 cols(tallest row 841)> with cell(0,0) containing '<PmlKeepInFrame at 0x1d09b77d670> size=x'(538.5826771653543 x 5893.228346456693), tallest cell 841.9 points, too large on page 2 in frame 'body'(538.5826771653543 x 785.19685039370

this is in my

from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.views.generic import View
from booking.utils import render_to_pdf
from django.template.loader import get_template

class GeneratePDF(View):
    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        template = get_template('invoice.html')
        context = {
            "invoice_id": 1234,
            "customer_name": "John Cooper",
            "amount": 1399.99,
            "today": "Today",
        html = template.render(context)
        pdf = render_to_pdf('invoice.html', context)
        if pdf:
            response = HttpResponse(pdf, content_type='application/pdf')
            filename = "Invoice_%s.pdf" %("12341231")
            content = "inline; filename='%s'" %(filename)
            download = request.GET.get("download")
            if download:
                content = "attachment; filename='%s'" %(filename)
            response['Content-Disposition'] = content
            return response
        return HttpResponse("Not found")

and this is my

from django.urls import path
from booking.views import GeneratePDF

app_name = 'booking'

urlpatterns = [
  path('invoice/', GeneratePDF.as_view(), name ="invoice"),


  • I got the answer xhtml2pdf is not able to split table cells that are larger than the available space.
    To work around it you may define what should happen in this case.
    The -pdf-keep-in-frame-mode can be one of: “error”, “overflow”, “shrink”, “truncate” where “shrink” is the default value.

    table {    -pdf-keep-in-frame-mode: shrink;}

    documentation link