
Scala Slick 3 - How to get non-matching results on joinLeft?

I would like to join two tables and get the rows from the first table that don't have a matching row in the second table for some condition of a certain column

for example:

   .on((a: A, b: B) => a.key === b.key && a.field1 =!= b.field1)

but this checks that key==null in tableB instead of checking on the result of the join. What am I doing wrong?


  • I've found a solution by splitting it into 2 queries: one query is:

    .on((a: A, b: B) => a.key === b.key)
    .filter((a: A, b: B) => a.field1 =!= b.field1)

    second query is:

    tableA.filterNot(_.key in

    And then "union" the two queries