I have 5 redis server
2 of them run redis both Master and Slave roles ( looks like redis.conf is not setup manually but via some sort of process cause it has the following line at the bottom: Generated by CONFIG REWRITE )
From time to time I can see Master and Slave switch roles automatically - no human intervention
3 of them run redis sentinel
Question 1: I need to replicate this setup on a 5 different systems but I don’t know how is that “Generated by CONFIG REWRITE” portion setup. Where and how is this automation setup?
Question 2: Why is that /etc/redis/ has a 6329.conf file? I thought redis setup is redis.conf...
The Config Rewrites are all caused by Redis Sentinel. The 3 sentinels you have monitor the master and in the event that enough sentinels think the master is down, they will force a failover by promoting an existing slave to the new master, then will reconfigure all other hosts to be a slave of the new master. You can read more about Redis Sentinel, including how to set it up for common scenarios, (docs page, examples section).
For the 6329.conf file, you can name the config files however you want, but however you start your redis server has to reference the non-default file name. Here's the usage example from the --help
option to redis-server
Usage: ./redis-server [/path/to/redis.conf] [options]