
Missing permissions error message right after login

I have an "Uncaught FirebaseError: Missing or insufficient permissions." error when I sign into my app. The problem occurs on the redirection immediately after login. I currently have no error boundaries so a blank white screen with this error message appears in the web console.

I use the reactfire library.

Here some code:

My entry point: (index.tsx)

  <FirebaseAppProvider firebaseConfig={firebaseConfig}>
    <SuspenseWithPerf fallback={"Loading..."} traceId={'web-initial-loading'}>
      <Wrapper />

then the wrapper which just redirect to signin or dashboard depending on authentication:

export const Wrapper = () => <AuthCheck fallback={<SignIn/>}><Dashboard/></AuthCheck>;

The important part of my signin page is the sign in button:

<Button onClick={async () => auth.signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password)}>
   Sign In

When I click on the button, there is a small delay caused by the fetching of the user and validation of password, etc (I should put a loading there later, but that is not a problem currently). Then the page turns white with errors in the console.

The page causing the error is the dashboard page. Here the code causing the error:

const user = useUser<User>();
console.log('id', user.uid); // it is ok

const accountRef = useFirestore().collection('users').doc(user.uid);
const account = useFirestoreDocDataOnce<Account>(accountRef);
console.log('account', account); // it is also ok

const companyRef = useFirestore().collection('companies').doc(;
const contractsCollectionRef = companyRef.collection('contracts');
const contracts = useFirestoreCollectionData<Contract>(contractsCollectionRef, { idField: 'id' });
console.log(contracts); // never shown

The important thing to note is that if I refresh the page, then the AuthCheck takes me directly to the dashboard and everything is working like expected.

Do you see what I should do to make it work when I sign in too?

It doesn't work with , useUser() and useAuth() from reactfire. It also doesn't auth() from firebase.

EDIT As a temporary patch, I can change the sign in button's onClick method to that:

() => auth.signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password).then(() => window.location.reload())

It's fast enough and on refresh, everything works fine. But I think it would be best to work without the reload.

EDIT 2 The same problem persists using react-router lib


   <AuthCheck fallback={<SignIn/>}>
       <Route path={'/dashboard'}>

SignIn.ts button onClick:

onClick={() => auth.signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password).then(() => history.push('/dashboard'))}


  • It appears to be a bug in reactfire. See

    A possible workaround is mentioned there suggesting to call the following function immediately after signing out:

    export const clearFirestoreCache = () => {
      const map = globalThis['_reactFirePreloadedObservables'];
        (key) => key.includes('firestore') && map.delete(key),