I am trying to create an API App in Azure App Service using Terraform but could not get anything to do so. Even I could not find anything in AZ CLI to create an API app.
Is there any work-around to do the same using terraform?
Unfortunately it is not possible to create Azure API App from Terraform at the moment.
There is workaround how to create Azure API App with AZ CLI
az resource create -g yugangw2 -n yugangw2-api12 --resource-type Microsoft.web/sites --is-full-object -p "{\"kind\":\"api\", \"location\":\"West US\", \"properties\":{ \"serverFarmId\":\"/subscriptions/0b1f6471-1bf0-4dda-aec3-cb9272xxxxxx/resourcegroups/yugangw2/providers/Microsoft.Web/serverfarms/yugangw2-plan\"}}"