
How to chain these two Postman requests

I'm new to Postman and I am trying to automate usage of these two requests. The first one is a POST request which returns a JSON with a single key:value pair ("id") in it The second one is a POST request which just returns 200 OK

So far I've managed to save "id" from the 1st request's response to an environment variable.

However, I still need to do the following: After sending 1st request, wait about 30 seconds, put "id" from first request in the URL of 2nd request, then send 2nd request.


  • To wait 30 sec use setTImeout in prerequest script:


    This will wait for 30 seconds

    Now to send the id url you can directly add it to url as {{id}} or in prerequest script add :


    if you want to run the request again and again till you get 200:

    add this to test section of request 2

    if (pm.response.code !== 200) {

    Note: there is a automatic delay between request option in postman you can use that also.

    Also setNextRequest works only if you run using newman or colection runner