
cert manager is failing with Waiting for dns-01 challenge propagation: Could not determine authoritative nameservers

I have created cert-manager on aks-engine using below command kubectl apply --validate=false -f

my certificate spec

enter image description here

issuer spec

enter image description here

Im using nginx as ingress, I could see txt record in the azure dns zone created my azuredns service principle, but not sure what is the issue on nameservers


  • I ran into the same error... I suspect that it's because I'm using a mix of private and public Azure DNS entries and the record needs to get added to the public entry so letsencrypt can see it, however, cert-manager performs a check that the TXT record is visible before asking letsencrypt to perform the validation... I assume that the default DNS records cert-manager looks at is the private one, and because there's no TXT record there, it gets stuck on this error.

    The way around it, as described on is to override the default DNS using extraArgs (I'm doing this with terraform and helm):

    resource "helm_release" "cert_manager" {
      name       = "cert-manager"
      repository = ""
      chart      = "cert-manager"
      set {
        name  = "installCRDs"
        value = "true"
      set {
        name  = "extraArgs"
        value = "{--dns01-recursive-nameservers-only,--dns01-recursive-nameservers=\\,}"