
File Explorer hangs when trying access Mounted Azure File share on Windows 10 Desktop

I mounted a Azure File share on to my desktop trying test connectivity. Everything worked awesome until I deleted the Azure File share in Subscription.

After my test, I deleted the test file share from Azure subscription. Then I continued working on my desktop where the deleted Fileshare was still mounted.

I was trying to navigate to some folder in file explorer and it just hangs. I tried to end the task from Task Manager and Taskbar vanished for 1-2 hours. Then I force rebooted my desktop. It came back fine. Then I wanted to get rid (Unmap) of the mounted Fileshare and same thing repeats again.

Can someone please help me get rid Or UnMap a Network Drive the Azure Fileshare off of my Desktop? Any command or something to Unmap a Network Drive? I tried Net Use F: no luck.

I have a deliverable that need to work on now and finish before Moring but my desktop is unusable at the minute.

enter image description here


  • net use * /delete /y saved the day for me. Now I can resume my work.