
react-native: How to add header animation in ScrollView onScroll

I am implementing animated header with ScrollView on screen. on scrollView onScroll I am also setting myview on base of scrollview Y position. Like this

const onScroll = ({ nativeEvent: { contentOffset: { y, x } } }) => {
    let _currentSection;
    // loop sections to calculate which section scrollview is on
    state.sections.forEach((section, index) => {
      // adding 15 to calculate Text's height
      const moveToPOsition = wp('24') * 5.8 * index

      console.log((y), state[section], index, moveToPOsition)
      if ((y + 15) > moveToPOsition) _currentSection = index
    // settint the currentSection to the calculated current section
    setState((currentState) => ({ ...currentState, currentSection: _currentSection }))

Now on implementing animated header I need to add animation code onScroll. This one

const handleScroll = Animated.event(
        nativeEvent: {
          contentOffset: { y: scrollY.current },
      useNativeDriver: true,

When I add both codes togather and called onScoll of scrollview they does not work ... while separately they work.

const onScroll = ({ nativeEvent: { contentOffset: { y, x } } }) => {
    let _currentSection;
    // loop sections to calculate which section scrollview is on
    state.sections.forEach((section, index) => {
      // adding 15 to calculate Text's height
      const moveToPOsition = wp('24') * 5.8 * index

      console.log((y), state[section], index, moveToPOsition)
      if ((y + 15) > moveToPOsition) _currentSection = index
    // settint the currentSection to the calculated current section
    setState((currentState) => ({ ...currentState, currentSection: _currentSection }))

          nativeEvent: {
            contentOffset: { y: scrollY.current },
        useNativeDriver: true,


Calling onScoll like this

   contentContainerStyle={{paddingTop: headerHeight}}
   { => (
      <Item key={} category={section}
            onItemLayout={onItemLayout} data={data} />


  • I found a solution

    const onScroll = ({ nativeEvent: { contentOffset: { y, x } } }) => {
        let _currentSection;
        // loop sections to calculate which section scrollview is on
        state.sections.forEach((section, index) => {
          // adding 15 to calculate Text's height
          const moveToPosition = wp('24') * 5.8 * index
          // console.log((y), state[section], index, moveToPOsition)
          if ((y + 15) > moveToPosition) _currentSection = index
        const moveTabToPosition = ((Screen.width) / 5) * _currentSection
        tabScrollView.current?.scrollTo({ x: moveTabToPosition, y: 0, animated: true });
        if (state.currentSection != _currentSection) {
          // settint the currentSection to the calculated current section
          setState((currentState) => ({ ...currentState, currentSection: _currentSection }))

    and add it in Animated.Event link this

    const handleScroll = Animated.event(
            nativeEvent: {
              contentOffset: { y: scrollY.current },
          useNativeDriver: true,
          listener: event => {