I have a SwiftUI ToolBar with 4 buttons, however the code I implemented is not correct because the buttons end up in weird places when changing the device type in simulator.
Even worse, when viewed on iPhone 8 / 8 Plus, 2 of the buttons are on the far edges of the window.
How do I properly apply spacing/padding to ToolBar buttons so they are consistent across different iOS devices?
Thank you!
// This code spaces the buttons but they change positions depending on the iOS device
ToolbarItem {
HStack {
HStack {
}.padding([.trailing], 85)
HStack {
}.padding([.trailing], 84)
HStack {
}.padding([.trailing], 6)
HStack {
}.padding([.trailing], 12)
// I was thinking code like this but all buttons are bunched together on the right-side of // the screen...
ToolbarItem {
HStack {
When you add ToolbarItems, there is an initializer where you can explicitly set the placement of each item. For your case, you would add 3 ToolbarItems, for the left, center, and right. I'd mention that the toolbar is meant to be dynamic, so it may look different on different devices on purpose.
struct ToolbarView: View {
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
VStack {
Text("Hello, world!")
.toolbar(content: {
ToolbarItem(placement: .topBarLeading) {
Image(systemName: "camera.fill")
ToolbarItem(placement: .principal) {
ToolbarItem(placement: .topBarTrailing) {
HStack {
Image(systemName: "dot.radiowaves.left.and.right")
Image(systemName: "heart.fill")
Per the documentation, here are the placement options. I'm guessing that when you don't explicitly add a placement, they default to .automatic.
automatic: The item is placed automatically, depending on many factors including the platform, size class, or presence of other items.
bottomBar: The item is placed in the bottom toolbar. Applies to iOS, iPadOS, and Mac Catalyst.
cancellationAction: The item represents a cancellation action for a modal interface.
confirmationAction: The item represents a confirmation action for a modal interface.
destructiveAction: The item represents a destructive action for a modal interface.
navigation: The item represents a navigation action.
navigationBarLeading: The item is placed in the leading edge of the navigation bar. Applies to iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, and Mac Catalyst.
navigationBarTrailing: The item is placed in the trailing edge of the navigation bar. Applies to iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, and Mac Catalyst.
primaryAction: The item represents a primary action.
principal: The item is placed in the principal item section.
ToolbarItemPlacement: The item represents a change in status for the current context.