
.htaccess rewrite with dynamic script?

i use the HeliconTech ModRewrite v3 on an Windows/IIS Webserver to make rewrites via an .htaccess File.

i have a db-Table with filename's to id's and want to a rewrite incoming urls with this constantly changing list.

Normaly, if using a map/list i use this code:

#RewriteRule ^content/(.+)\.asp$ default.asp?ID=${map:$1} [L,NC]

With makes *content/some_site.asp* to default.asp?id=123

Is it possible to fill the mapping file dynamic, e.g. via php or asp script?


  • If you are on IIS 7 then you can use Helicon Ape instead. It is compatible with ISAPI_Rewrite 3 and it supports database maps.

    Introduction to database functionality of Helicon Ape

    mod_dbd adticles