
Fetcher failure for URL: 'file://dropbear.default'. Unable to fetch URL from any source

I am trying to override the dropbear.default

The layer looks like this : meta/recipes-core/dropbear

    ├── dropbear
    │   ├── 0001-urandom-xauth-changes-to-options.h.patch
    │   ├── 0005-dropbear-enable-pam.patch
    │   ├── 0006-dropbear-configuration-file.patch
    │   ├── dropbear
    │   ├── dropbear.default
    │   ├── dropbear-disable-weak-ciphers.patch
    │   ├── dropbearkey.service
    │   ├── dropbear@.service
    │   ├── dropbear.socket
    │   └── init
    ├── dropbear_%.bbappend
    └── files
        ├── 0007-patch1.patch
        └── 0008-patch2.patch
    └──$MACHINE folder name
        ├──dropbear.default   -------> this one I want to use to replace the old one from the /dropbear/dropbear.default above

I created a dropbear_%.bbappend

and in that dropbear_%.bbappend file I have

FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend_myfolder := "${THISDIR}/${PN}:${THISDIR}/${MACHINE}:${THISDIR}/files:" -----> this should be


Still I got the same error


  • It is pretty unusual to have a bbappend in the same directory as the bb recipe it'll append to, but whatever floats your boat :) In that case, this unusual scenario is actually part of the issue.

    I'm unsure what _myfolder is representing in FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend_myfolder? If myfolder is not part of the OVERRIDES variable (or other implicit values, such as class-target, virtclass-, etc..) then it'll not work. I'm pretty sure you should actually just strip it from FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend. c.f.

    Considering the current directory layout, the FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend in your bbappend will be expanded to:


    The paths that will be searched by Yocto for files in SRC_URI will be searched from leftmost to rightmost, c.f. (it is not phrased clearly though IMO I can give you that).

    So technically, you're telling Yocto to search within the dropbear directory for dropbear.default first and then ${MACHINE} directory and then files. Which is already what's used by the original recipe, so all in all, your bbappend is a no-op for files you want to override.

    To fix this, either:

    You can check which directories are searched and in which order by reading the log.do_fetch log file from ${WORKDIR}/temp, with ${WORKDIR} probably going to end with being something like tmp/work/<target_arch>/dropbear/2020.81-r0/.

    You can check the values of variables and the history of how the values were built by running bitbake dropbear -e. Since it can output several millions of lines, you usually either pipe it to less or more, redirect it to a file or pipe it to grep -e "^VARTOCHECK=".