
How to wait until EXTERNAL-IP is assigned?

When I deploy https://projectcontour.io/ ingress controller on my Digital Ocean K8S cluster, a load balancer gets created automatically.

I consider to use Ansible as management tool for K8S to automate the deployment.

After the following tasks:

- name: retrieve file
    url: https://projectcontour.io/quickstart/contour.yaml
    dest: /testing/contour.yaml
  register: download_contour

- name: create deployment
    src: /testing/deployment.yml
  when: download_contour.changed

I would like to wait until the contour gets EXTERNAL-IP address assigned, then continue with other tasks. Here is an example on my local computer:

kubectl get -n projectcontour service envoy -o wide                                                                       
NAME    TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)                      AGE     SELECTOR
envoy   LoadBalancer   80:31092/TCP,443:30362/TCP   2d15h   app=envoy

How to wait until the envoy LoadBalancer gets the EXTERNAL-IP address assigned in Ansible?


  • I haven't tested it, but I think you could try to do something like this:

    - shell: if [[ $(kubectl get services envoy -n projectcontour --output jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0]}') ]]; then exit 0; else exit 1; fi;
      register: wait_for_ext_ip
      until: wait_for_ext_ip.rc == 0
      retries: 10
      delay: 5