I am trying to chain some API calls and I think I am confusing some concepts. Would love some clarification & code samples.
I have implemented these functions...
func promiseFetchPayments(for accountId: String) -> Promise <[OperationResponse]> {
return Promise <[OperationResponse]> { seal in
payments(for: accountId) { (records, error) in
if let recs = records {
if let e = error {
func payments(for accountId: String, completion: @escaping (_ records: [OperationResponse]?, _ error: Error?) -> Void) {
forAccount: accountId,
order: Order.descending,
limit: 10
) { response in
switch response {
case .success(let paymentsResponse):
DispatchQueue.main.async {
completion(paymentsResponse.records, nil)
case .failure(let error):
DispatchQueue.main.async {
completion(nil, error)
I am trying to use it like so:
firstly {
promiseFetchPayments(for: "XXX")
}.done { records in
} .catch { error in
Now this actually ^^^ works OK!!!! My problem is I want to be able to change done to then and be able to chain another function / response or many more.
But the error I keep getting is:
Cannot conform to Thenable.
I am looking for something very similar to this (I know the syntax isn't right just logically follow the chain....
firstly {
stellar.promiseFetchPayments(for: "")
}.done { records in
}.then {
// call some other method
}.done { data in
// more data
}.catch { error in
Is this actually possible? Can't seem to get any tutorials on the interwebs to compile. Seems Swift compiler really doesn't like PMK syntax or something.
Any ideas?
The problem is because you're chaining off of a done
, which doesn't like that you're trying to then do a call to then
off of that.
Instead, you'll want to save the promise and use it for the later calls. You can do something like this:
let promise = firstly {
stellar.promiseFetchPayments(for: "")
promise.done { records in
promise.then {
// call some other method
}.done { data in
// more data
}.catch { error in
You can even return that promise from a method to use in other places, or pass it around to another method.