
PromiseKit 6 iOS chaining

I am trying to chain some API calls and I think I am confusing some concepts. Would love some clarification & code samples.

I have implemented these functions...

func promiseFetchPayments(for accountId: String) -> Promise <[OperationResponse]> {
        return Promise <[OperationResponse]> { seal in
            payments(for: accountId) { (records, error) in
                if let recs = records {
                if let e = error {


func payments(for accountId: String, completion: @escaping (_ records: [OperationResponse]?, _ error: Error?) -> Void) {
            forAccount: accountId,
            order: Order.descending,
            limit: 10
        ) { response in
            switch response {
            case .success(let paymentsResponse):
                DispatchQueue.main.async {
                    completion(paymentsResponse.records, nil)

            case .failure(let error):
                DispatchQueue.main.async {
                    completion(nil, error)

I am trying to use it like so:

firstly {
            promiseFetchPayments(for: "XXX")
        }.done { records in
        } .catch { error in

Now this actually ^^^ works OK!!!! My problem is I want to be able to change done to then and be able to chain another function / response or many more.

But the error I keep getting is:

Cannot conform to Thenable.

I am looking for something very similar to this (I know the syntax isn't right just logically follow the chain....

firstly {
            stellar.promiseFetchPayments(for: "")
        }.done { records in
        }.then {
            // call some other method 
        }.done { data in 
          // more data 
        }.catch { error in

Is this actually possible? Can't seem to get any tutorials on the interwebs to compile. Seems Swift compiler really doesn't like PMK syntax or something.

Any ideas?


  • The problem is because you're chaining off of a done, which doesn't like that you're trying to then do a call to then off of that.

    Instead, you'll want to save the promise and use it for the later calls. You can do something like this:

    let promise = firstly {
        stellar.promiseFetchPayments(for: "")
    promise.done { records in
    promise.then {
        // call some other method 
    }.done { data in 
        // more data 
    }.catch { error in

    You can even return that promise from a method to use in other places, or pass it around to another method.