
Transonic run python code instead of pythran

After the first good results with pythran, I tried transonic to benefit form the jit and the class support. Unfortunately it does not run as expected.
If I use the @jit decorator the decorated functions are compiled and cached, but during the first run of the code the compiled version is not used, instead the function is processed by python. After the first run the cached version is used.
If I use the @boost decorator and run transonic a compiled version is created in the __pythran__ folder, but running the script with python I receive the following warning and the code is processed by python.

WARNING: Pythran file does not seem to be up-to-date:
<module '__pythran__.runmwe_920d6d0a5cd396436d463468328e997b' from '__pythran__/'>

Rerunning transonic just produces a warning that the code is already up-to-date.

Do I miss some configuration to use @jit and @boost properly or is this the expected behavior and I use transonic the wrong way?

Used software from conda-forge:
transonic 0.4.5
pythran 0.9.7
python 3.8.6


import numpy as np
from transonic import jit,boost

#transonic def looping(float[])

def looping(np_array):
    shape_x =np_array.shape[0]
    for x in range(shape_x):
                if np_array[x] < 0.5:
                    np_array[x] = 0
                    np_array[x] = 1
    return np_array

in_arr = np.random.rand(10**7)



  • Your problem is due to an old bug in Transonic (now fixed by

    You use #transonic def looping(float[]) (without space between # and transonic) and it was working well only with the space after # (from "Each line of a block comment starts with a # and a single space").

    The easiest way to fix your problem is to add the space, i.e. to write # transonic def looping(float[]). By the way, any code formatter (like would add it for you automatically.

    However, Transonic supports type annotations and it would even be nicer to avoid the signatures in comments and to write:

    from transonic import boost
    def looping(np_array: "float[]"):