public KustoResultSetTable executeKustoQuery(ClientImpl client, String query) {
KustoResultSetTable mainTableResult = null;
try {
KustoOperationResult results = client.execute(databaseName, query);
mainTableResult = results.getPrimaryResults();
} catch (DataServiceException | DataClientException e) {
errorHandler(e, "Error while retrieving results from kusto query!");
return mainTableResult;
The above code returns me a result of this type
Name | Age
XYZ AAA | 29
How can I get the value of 1st row under name column using Azure Kusto Java mainTableResult
Expected String output - "XYZ AAA"
You can do:
if (mainTableResult.first()) {
int columnIndex = mainTableResult.findColumn("Name")
return mainTableResult.getString(columnIndex);
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(""); // Or any other error handling
A complete version is:
public String executeKustoQuery(ClientImpl client, String query) {
KustoResultSetTable mainTableResult = null;
try {
KustoOperationResult results = client.execute("databaseName", query);
mainTableResult = results.getPrimaryResults();
if (mainTableResult.first()) {
int columnIndex = mainTableResult.findColumn("Name")
return mainTableResult.getString(columnIndex);
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(""); // Or any other error handling
} catch (DataServiceException | DataClientException e) {
errorHandler(e, "Error while retrieving results from kusto query!");