
DocuSign API: Is it possible to filter envelopes by the value a document field?

Assuming I have a field with label FOO in all the envelopes sent, how do I filter the envelopes where the value of FOO is 123456? I tried setting the search_text parameter with 123456 but it doesn't work.

This is the request I tried to use:


  • Unfortunately, there's not currently a way to search Tabs/Form Data via the API. We do have long term plans in this area, but nothing firm yet. I would pass this request along to your account team to let them know you are interested in learning more about that functionality as it develops.

    The ListStatusChanges call doesn't allow you to pull form data in bulk. You'd need to make one GetEnvelope call per envelope with include=recipients,tabs to pull form data and parse through it yourself.

    If this is something you are looking at building out, you could use populate a local database using the GetEnvelope results, and then use DocuSign Connect to automatically pass information about new envelopes moving forward.

    It is possible to search for values of Envelope Custom Fields. Moving forward, if your application can populate an ECF, you can then search for that to find specific envelopes.