
Azure pipeline to read files in a pull request

I'm trying to build a azure pipeline to lint R scripts in a pull request as one of the steps to allow pull requests to be approved and completed.

I can get the pipeline to run R and library everything I need, but I am struggling to find a way to access the R scripts changed in a pull request via the pipeline.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • You can find changed files of PR with git commands. Add it to the PR validation build, as an example for PR to the master branch:

    git diff --name-only --relative --diff-filter AMR origin/master -- . > $(Build.StagingDirectory)/repo_changes.txt

    Here is the example to copy only changed files with PowerShell (PowerShell task)

    $targetfolder = "$(Build.StagingDirectory)" + "/"
    function CopyFiles{
        param( [string]$source )
        $target = $targetfolder + $source
        New-Item -Force $target
        copy-item $source $target -Force
    $changes = git diff --name-only --relative --diff-filter AMR origin/master --name-only -- .
    if ($changes -is [string]){ CopyFiles $changes }
        if ($changes -is [array])
            foreach ($change in $changes){ CopyFiles $change }

    The part of yaml file may be like that:

    - job: get_changed_files
       - task: PowerShell@2
           targetType: 'inline'
           script: |
             $targetfolder = "$(Build.StagingDirectory)" + "/"
             function CopyFiles{
                 param( [string]$source )
                 $target = $targetfolder + $source
                 New-Item -Force $target
                 copy-item $source $target -Force
             $changes = git diff --name-only --relative --diff-filter AMR origin/master -- .
             if ($changes -is [string]){ CopyFiles $changes }
                 if ($changes -is [array])
                     foreach ($change in $changes){ CopyFiles $change }
       - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
          pathToPublish: $(Build.StagingDirectory)
          artifactName: MyChangedFiles