Example: If there are two strings:- s1 = 'cde' s2 = 'abc'
Output: 'deab'
I converted the string into a list and compared two lists.
a = 'cde'
b = 'abc'
list1 = list(a)
list2 = list(b)
diff = []
for item in list1:
if item not in list2:
for item in list2:
if item not in list1:
diff = ' '.join(map(str, diff)).replace(' ','')
Is there any other way to solve this problem without converting it into the list? I appreciate your help. Thanks in advance.
You can convert each string to a set
then use symmetric_difference
, then finally str.join
back into a single string
>>> ''.join(set(a).symmetric_difference(b))