
Azure DevOps - send email notification after test results have been published

We have a nightly scheduled pipeline that runs tests and publishes the results to a test run. We can see the the url to the test run as this is generated by the PublishTestResults@2 task. I'd like to extend this functionality by emailing a set of users the devops link to the test run.

Here's how the publish task currently looks:

  # Publish test results (to show the test details in JUnit format)
  - task: PublishTestResults@2
    displayName: 'Publish test results'
      testResultsFormat: 'JUnit'
      testResultsFiles: '*.xml'
      searchFolder: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/cypress/reports/junit'
      mergeTestResults: true
      testRunTitle: 'Publish Test Results'
    condition: succeededOrFailed()
    continueOnError: true

Are there any recommended approaches to doing this?


  • Option 1: Notifications

    If you just need a link to the pipeline run itself, you can configure a notification.

    Option 2: Email Report Extension

    If you want more control than notifications offer the Email Report Extension from Microsoft DevLabs generates (a customizable) report sent to a list of recipients that contains:

    • Overall Test Summary : This info mirrors the Test Tab in the Pipeline.
    • Test Run Summary: Information about individual test runs happened in the Pipeline if any.
    • Test Failures: Shows Test Failures, their stack traces (Configurable in the Task Input) and associated workitems.
    • Commits/Changeset Information
    • Phases/Environments Information
    • Task information: Task(s) that ran in the pipeline - Name, Duration and any error logs if failed.

    You will need to provide credentials for the smtp server the email should be sent through

    Option 3: Other extension

    There is a number of 3rd party email sending extensions for Azure DevOps,

    Option 4: Custom script

    There is of course also the option to create a bash/powershell script to send the email, here is a simple Powershell Example: How to send email with PowerShell