I have added CalendarKit in my project using swift package Manager, I tried with cocoapods as well but still I am getting the below errors:
I have added import CalendarKit
as well.
1) Value of type 'Date' has no member 'format'
let timezone = TimeZone.ReferenceType.default
var info:[String] = ["Booking Id: \(bookingDetails.bookingID ?? -1)", "Booking Type: \(bookingDetails.bookingType!)"]
info.append("Booking From : \(begining.format(with: "dd.MM.YYYY", timeZone: timezone)) \nBooking To : \(ending.format(with: "dd.MM.YYYY", timeZone: timezone))")
info.append("Timing: \(begining.format(with: "HH:mm")) - \(ending.format(with: "HH:mm"))")
info.append("Status: \(status)\n")
2) Value of type 'Date' has no member 'hours'
if indexPath.section == 1 {
selectedbookingRecord = self.upcomingBookings![indexPath.row] as BookingInfoList
if let bookingStartDateTime = selectedbookingRecord?.bookingFrom {
if (bookingStartDateTime.toDate()?.hours(from: Date()))! < 24 {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
Alert().showAlert(ALERT_TITLE, message: GlobalConstants.CANNOT_DELETE_BOOKING, okButtonTitle: ALERT_OK_TITLE, CompletionHandler: nil, View: self)
Thanks in advance!
It looks like the provided code has been developed with the older version of CalendarKit
which had a dependency on DateToolsSwift
. Now, when the dependency has been removed, the code you've provided doesn't compile.
In order to resolve your issue, either use an older version of CalendarKit (not greater than 0.14.0
, e.g. 0.13.14
would do just fine),
or, just install and import DateTools independently to the files where you're using that framework.