
Arguments in whenAllDone promise/deferred javascript helper not working when I wrap existing code into a Deferred

I'm trying to implement the following in TypeScript:

UPDATE 2 - The problem with original answer is that it doesn't support a single deferred. I modified his fiddle to reproduce the error.

UPDATE 1 - Issue is in my usage, so modifying question to indicate that more clearly.

Originally, I had a submitCalculation method that called .ajax, so I passed a callback handler in to be called when it was done. This all worked, but I have to prepare for having to run 1..N submitCalculation calls and wait until all were done. So this was my attempt to simply wrap the original call inside a Deferred.

const p = function() {
    const d = $.Deferred();

    try {
            ( errorMessage, result ) => { 
                if ( errorMessage != undefined ) {
                    d.reject( { "Options": currentOptions, "ErrorMessage": errorMessage } );
                else {
                    d.resolve( { "Options": currentOptions, "Result": result } );
    } catch (error) {
        d.reject( { "Options": currentOptions, "ErrorMessage": "ReSubmit.Pipeline exception: " + error } );

    return d;

$.whenAllDone( p() ).then( 
   function( ... successes: { Options: KatAppOptions, Result: RBLResult }[] ) { ... },
   function( ... failures: { Options: KatAppOptions, ErrorMessage: string }[] ) { ... } );

When the whenAllDone method is running and hits the following code, the arguments parameter is not right.

$.when.apply($, deferreds).then(function() {
    var failures = [];
    var successes = [];

    $.each(arguments, function(i, args) {
        // If we resolved with `true` as the first parameter
        // we have a failure, a success otherwise
        var target = args[0] ? failures : successes;
        var data = args[1];
        // Push either all arguments or the only one
        target.push(data.length === 1 ? data[0] : args);

    if(failures.length) {
        return result.reject.apply(result, failures);

    return result.resolve.apply(result, successes);

In the original answer's fiddle, the arguments was in the form of [ true|false, currentDeferredArguments ][]. Each element in the array, was the array of parameters resulting from currentDeferred.resolve(true|false, arguments);.

enter image description here

However, mine is a flattened array in the form of [ true|false, currentDeferredArguments ]. So when I loop the arguments in $.each(arguments, function (i, args) {, my args are never an 'array'. The first args is simply a boolean from the currentDeferred.resolve call, which then obviously screws up the logic in that loop.

enter image description here

If I change my code to simply test code the way he did (as in the following) it works as expected.

var dfd1 = $.Deferred();
var dfd2 = $.Deferred();

setTimeout(function () {
    console.log('Resolve dfd2');
    dfd2.reject( { "Options": currentOptions, "ErrorMessage": "Test 2" } );
}, 200);

setTimeout(function () {
    console.log('works dfd1');
    dfd1.reject( { "Options": currentOptions, "ErrorMessage": "Test 1" } );
}, 100);

$.whenAllDone( dfd1, dfd2 ).then(

So how can I correctly wrap my original call to submitCalculation to correctly return a deferred object so whenAllDone works?


  • The problem was inside jquery's when method.

    jquery.when: function( subordinate /* , ..., subordinateN */ ) { ...

    It has a line like:

    // If resolveValues consist of only a single Deferred, just use that.
    deferred = remaining === 1 ? subordinate : jQuery.Deferred(),

    And this changes the shape of the arguments, so I had to put it back to the common shape my code expects (i.e. the same shape when multiple deferreds are passed to whenAllDone)

    const deferredArgs = jqueryWhenUsesSubordinate
        ? [[ arguments[ 0 ], arguments[ 1 ] ]]
        : arguments
    $.each(deferredArgs, function (i, resolvedArgs) {
        var target = !resolvedArgs[0] ? failures : successes;
        var data = resolvedArgs[1];
        target.push(data.length === 1 ? data[0] : data);