
B2C Custom Policy - How to show the signup links from a Selfasserted DataUri signin page

I am using the DataUri: urn:com:microsoft:aad:b2c:elements:contract:unifiedssp:2.1.0 for my signin page. This displays the signup links from the ClaimsProviderSelection.

The issue is that I want to add additional Display claims to the signin and the unifiedssp DataUri appears to force only allowing 2 display claims. The second one is always forced to be password even if the data input type is something like a DropdownSingleSelect.

Country Code Setup

Displayclaims on signin

Sign html

Any additional display claims are just not shown.

I am able to get the signin experience that I want with the selfasserted (urn:com:microsoft:aad:b2c:elements:contract:selfasserted:2.1.1) DataUri, but in that situation I have not figured out how to show the signup link.

The Documentation makes a specific comment about the setting.showSignupLink meta data only being available on the unifiedssp DataUri.

Is there a way to display the signup links from the ClaimsProviderSelections on a selfasserted DataUri page? (Or a way to display more inputs on the unifiedssp)


  • Thanks Jon, Please verify this git hub scenario ( The only way is to embed a link to sign up, which sends the user back to the app and launches a sign up policy. You cannot use the combined page since it forces username/password fields