
Custom file browser implementation on PySide6

I would like to implement the file browser on PySide6, and my goals are:

  1. Display files and folders with .. always at the top (regardless of the sorting), so that the user could double click it and go up one level.
  2. After .. I'd like to display folders and then files (just like Windows explorer does) regardless of the sorting.
  3. Have an alternative display mode which shows a certain set of files (they can be on different drives, in different folders, etc).

I'm currently using the following code to initialize the model and the view:

self.model = QFileSystemModel()
self.model.setFilter(QDir.NoDot | QDir.AllEntries)
self.ui.treeView.header().setSortIndicator(0, Qt.AscendingOrder)

Instead of QFileSystemModel() I'm actually using my customized QFileSystemModel with an additional column.

The problems I'm experiencing are that:

I don't understand what's the best approach for the problems I'm solving.

I see the following options:

I tried implementing QSortFilterProxyModel, but ran into another problem: I don't understand how I should modify treeView.setRootIndex() call.

So my specific questions are:

  1. Can I use QSortFilterProxyModel to solve all of the problems mentioned above? If yes, please provide a sample implementation.
  2. If you think there's a better approach for this problem please describe it.


  • The following solution works:

    class SortingModel(QSortFilterProxyModel):
        def lessThan(self, source_left: QModelIndex, source_right: QModelIndex):
            file_info1 = self.sourceModel().fileInfo(source_left)
            file_info2 = self.sourceModel().fileInfo(source_right)       
            if file_info1.fileName() == "..":
                return self.sortOrder() == Qt.SortOrder.AscendingOrder
            if file_info2.fileName() == "..":
                return self.sortOrder() == Qt.SortOrder.DescendingOrder
            if (file_info1.isDir() and file_info2.isDir()) or (file_info1.isFile() and file_info2.isFile()):
                return super().lessThan(source_left, source_right)
            return file_info1.isDir() and self.sortOrder() == Qt.SortOrder.AscendingOrder

    The code for initializing view and model are the same as in @bartolo-otrit answer:

        model = QFileSystemModel()
        model.setFilter(QDir.NoDot | QDir.AllEntries)
        model.sort(0, Qt.SortOrder.AscendingOrder)
        sorting_model = SortingModel()
        view.tree_view.header().setSortIndicator(0, Qt.AscendingOrder)