I am trying to write a Reg Expression to match any word from a list of words but am having trouble with words with brackets.
This is the reg expression I have so far:
^\b(?:Civil Services|Assets Management|Engineering Works (EW)|EW Maintenance|Ferry|Road Maintenance|Infrastructure Planning (IP)|Project Management Office (PMO)|Resource Recovery (RR)|Waste)\b$
Words with brackets such as Civil Services are matched but not words with brackets such as Engineering Works (EW).
I have tried single escaping with \ and double escaping (\) but neither option seems to return a match when testing words with brackets in them.
How can I also match words with brackets?
The problem is that \b
can't match a word boundary the way you want when it's preceded by a )
. A word boundary is a word character adjacent to a non-word character or end-of-string. A word character is a letter, digit, or underscore; notably, )
is not a word character. That means that )\b
won't match a parenthesis followed by a space, nor a parenthesis at the end of the string.
The easiest fix is to remove the \b
s. You don't actually need them since you've already got ^
and $
^(?:Orange|Banana|Apple \(Red\)| Apple \(Green\)|Plum|Mango)$
Alternatively, if you want to search in a larger string you could use a lookahead to look a non-word character or end-of-string. This is essentially what \b
does except we only look ahead, not behind.
\b(?:Orange|Banana|Apple \(Red\)| Apple \(Green\)|Plum|Mango)(?=\W|$)