I am having a laravel project on the local system I have used the following package for ccavenue payment gateway.
Package name: https://github.com/softon/indipay
following is my configuration file
'gateway' => 'ccavenue', // Replace with the name of default gateway you want to use
'testMode' => true, // True for Testing the Gateway [For production false]
'ccavenue' => [
// CCAvenue Parameters
'merchantId' => env('INDIPAY_MERCHANT_ID', '*****'),
'accessCode' => env('INDIPAY_ACCESS_CODE', '*****'),
'workingKey' => env('INDIPAY_WORKING_KEY', '*****'),
// Should be route address for url() function
'redirectUrl' => env('INDIPAY_REDIRECT_URL', 'indipay/response'),
'cancelUrl' => env('INDIPAY_CANCEL_URL', 'indipay/response'),
'currency' => env('INDIPAY_CURRENCY', 'INR'),
'language' => env('INDIPAY_LANGUAGE', 'EN'),
and here is my controller code
public function payment()
$parameters = [
'transaction_no' => time(),
'merchant_id' => env('INDIPAY_MERCHANT_ID'),
'redirect_url' => env('REDIRECT_URL'),
'cancel_url' => env('CANCEL_URL'),
'currency' => "INR",
'language' => 'EN',
'cancel_url' =>env('INDIPAY_CANCEL_URL'),
'order_id' => 12345,
'amount' => 1,
'name' => '**** ****',
'email' => '*****@****.com'
$order = Indipay::prepare($parameters);
return Indipay::process($order);
and following error I am getting
I have solved this error by bypassing all necessary parameters in the same
Here I am using ccavenue as a payment gateway
For Example :
$parameters = [
'transaction_no' => time(), // necessary paramenets
'merchant_id' => env('INDIPAY_MERCHANT_ID'), // necessary paramenets
'redirect_url' => url('payment'), // necessary paramenets
'cancel_url' => url('payment'), // necessary paramenets
'currency' => "INR", // necessary paramenets
'language' => 'EN', // necessary paramenets
'order_id' => 12345, // necessary paramenets
'amount' => 1, // necessary paramenets
'name' => '***** *****',
'email' => '*****@*****.com'