Any ideas of how to write a function that returns the number of instances of a process is running?
Perhaps something like this?
function numInstances([string]$process)
$i = 0
while(<we can get a new process with name $process>)
return $i
Edit: Started to write a function... It works for a single instance but it goes into an infinite loop if more than one instance is running:
function numInstances([string]$process)
$i = 0
$ids = @()
while(((get-process $process) | where {$ids -notcontains $_.ID}) -ne $null)
$ids += (get-process $process).ID
return $i
function numInstances([string]$process)
@(get-process -ea silentlycontinue $process).count
EDIT: added the silently continue and array cast to work with zero and one processes.