We've created a little plugin to add a block of xml comment and create a try-catch to a function. (we simply add this to each and every function we write) But with the latest devexpress update I'm having a problem with the following code.
Private Sub cpAddComment_Apply(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal ea As DevExpress.CodeRush.Core.ApplyContentEventArgs) Handles cpAddXMLCommentAndTryCatch.Apply
' create elementbuilder and add current code to it
Dim objMethod As New Method
objMethod = objOldMethod.Clone()
objElementBuilder.AddStatement(Nothing, objMethod)
' add try
Dim objTry As DevExpress.CodeRush.StructuralParser.Try = objElementBuilder.AddTry(objMethod)
Dim objCatch As DevExpress.CodeRush.StructuralParser.Catch = objElementBuilder.AddCatch(objMethod, "Exception", "ex")
' add exception
Dim strErrorString As String = """Error in " + objMethod.Location + """, ex"
Dim objThrow As New DevExpress.CodeRush.StructuralParser.Throw
Dim objException As New DevExpress.CodeRush.StructuralParser.TypeReferenceExpression("Exception")
Dim objExceptionString As New DevExpress.CodeRush.StructuralParser.PrimitiveExpression(strErrorString)
Dim objNewException As New DevExpress.CodeRush.StructuralParser.ObjectCreationExpression(objException)
objThrow.Expression = objNewException
'objThrow.AddFooter(" ") 'This isnt working either
objElementBuilder.AddThrow(objCatch, objThrow)
' substitute code
Dim newCode As String = objElementBuilder.GenerateCode()
ea.TextDocument.Replace(objOldMethod.Range, newCode, "Update Method", True)
end sub
Instead of generating a correct Try-catch block it generates the following incorrect code:
Catch ex As Exception
Throw New Exception("Error in test", ex)End Try
Strangely enough the following code seems to work(its about the same code but then for event handlers to show a messagebox instead of an exception)
If not CodeRush.Language.ActiveExtension.DotNetLanguageType = DotNetLanguageType.CSharp Then
Dim objExceptionString As New DevExpress.CodeRush.StructuralParser.PrimitiveExpression("Messagebox.Show(" + strErrorString + ")" + vbCrLf)
objElementBuilder.AddStatement(objCatch, objExceptionString)
This problem exists in Vb.Net but in C# the brackets are correctly placed.
I have reproduced your issue and registered it in DevExpress Support Center. You are welcome to track its status here. Once it is fixed, you can request a build containing the fix from the Support Team at support @ devexpress.com. For now, as a work-around, you can replace this line of code:
objThrow.Expression = objNewException
into this:
objThrow.Expression = New SnippetExpression(CodeRush.Language.GenerateExpressionCode(objNewException) + vbCrLf)
This will generate the try/catch block correctly in Visual Basic.