
How to change corb thread count on the fly

How can I reduce thread count during corb running. I was trying below but not work Thanks

[linux1]$corb thread-count 8


  • It isn't clear what the corb process is that you are running, to know how it may be passing any commandline switches and using them to invoke the CoRB process.

    There is a THREAD-COUNT option that can be specified as either a system property, main arg, or as an option within the OPTIONS-FILE or COMMAND-FILE.

    CoRB needs options specified through one or more of the following mechanisms:

    1. command-line parameters
    2. Java system properties ex: -DXCC-CONNECTION-URI=xcc://user:password@localhost:8202
    3. As properties file in the class path specified using Relative and full file system paths are also supported.

    If specified in more than one place, a command line parameter takes precedence over a Java system property, which take precedence over a property from the OPTIONS-FILE properties file.

    There are a couple of ways to adjust the thread count dynamically, as the job is executing: