I'm trying to read data from the BTLE fitness machine service, specifically the Indoor Bike Data characteristic.
A typical reading I'm getting has the bytes 44-02-9c-09-5c-00-4f-00-50
. The first two are flags which indicate that the rest of the bytes represent, in order:
)The trouble is, that only accounts for 5 more bytes, but there are 7 more bytes in the value. It looks like 5c-00
is cadence, 00-4f
is power, and 50
is heart rate, but
represents, but more importantly,What do I need to do to parse these bytes correctly? In this specific case I could maybe skip those two bytes, but that won't be reliable over different device manufacturers.
Update: FWIW I don't think it was correct to mark this as a duplicate. I was able to parse the bytes, the problem was that the result appeared to contradict the fitness machine spec. The accepted answer clarified that.
The 9c-09
value is instantaneous speed, which is present (counterintuitively) if the first flag bit is 0. See Fitness Machine Service spec, section