$.getJSON gives Undefined result (Razor web page and JSONresult)

I am just starting out on learning Razor. I have worked my way through 8 hours of a paid video tutorial and now I am attempting to develop a real world application with a lot of googling and side reading.

I have read many similar postings and tried many of the ideas but I am just banging my head against the wall. This issue arises from attempting to create cascading drop downs (select client, update drop down list of contacts at client) I have stripped out all the EF code and just gone back to a hand coded sample list of contacts. I am not even attempting to rebuild the select list for the contact drop down in this example - I would just be happy if the alert message would display a result instead of "undefined"

Here is the JQuery code at the bottom of the razor page:

@section Scripts
    <script type="text/javascript">
                function ()
                            function ()
                                        "?handler=Contacts", function (result)
                                            $.each(result, function (i, item)


    @{ await Html.RenderPartialAsync("_ValidationScriptsPartial");}


and here is the "OnGetContacts" handler in the corresponding cs pagemodel

public JsonResult OnGetContacts()
    List<clientcontact> clientcontacts = new List<clientcontact>{
           new clientcontact{ClientContactId = 1, ContactName = "Scott"},
           new clientcontact{ClientContactId = 2, ContactName = "Bill"}
    JsonResult jsn = new JsonResult(clientcontacts);
    return jsn;

I have breakpointed just before the "return jsn" and jsn is a collection of two entries so the handler is definitely being called. I am concerned that jsn looks more like the clientcontacts class rather than a JSON string but this probably down to my ignorance at this stage.

Here is my definition of the clientcontacts class

namespace TrialManagementSystem.Models
    public partial class clientcontact
        public int ClientContactId { get; set; }
        public string ContactName { get; set; }


I have tried a number of ideas such as item.ContactName instead of item.contactname and result[i].ContactName and many other permutations

I would be very, very grateful for any suggestions.

Many thanks Tony


  • You just need to change your code:


