
How to interpret a final tagless DSL with ZIO?

I have a final tagless DSL to build simple math expressions:

trait Entity[F[_]] {
  def empty: F[Int]
  def int(value: Int): F[Int]

trait Operation[F[_]] {
  def add(a: F[Int], b: F[Int]): F[Int]

I wanted to implement a ZIO interpreter. Based on the module-pattern guide, a possible implementation could look as follows:

type Entity = Has[Entity[UIO]]

object Entity {
  val test: ULayer[Entity] =
    ZLayer.succeed {
      new Entity[UIO] {
        override def empty: UIO[Int] =

        override def int(value: Int): UIO[Int] =

  def empty: URIO[Entity, Int] =

  def int(value: Int): URIO[Entity, Int] =

type Operation = Has[Operation[UIO]]

object Operation {
  val test: ULayer[Operation] =
    ZLayer.succeed {
      new Operation[UIO] {
        override def add(a: UIO[Int], b: UIO[Int]): UIO[Int] =
          ZIO.tupled(a, b).map { case (x, y) => x + y }

  def add(a: UIO[Int], b: UIO[Int]): URIO[Operation, Int] =
    ZIO.accessM(_.get.add(a, b))

When building expressions with this implementation, one has to call provideLayer repeatedly like this:


That looks more like an anti-pattern. What would be the most idiomatic or the most ZIO way to interpret DSLs?


  • Getting back to this question with a better understanding of ZIO I have found a solution. It is a workaround and not in the spirit of ZIO, nevertheless, I thought it might be worth sharing.

    I updated the Operation implementation of ZIO:

    type Operation = Has[Service[URIO[Entity, *]]]
    object Operation {
      val live: ULayer[Operation] =
        ZLayer.succeed {
          new Service[URIO[Entity, *]] {
            override def add(a: URIO[Entity, Int])(b: URIO[Entity, Int]): URIO[Entity, Int] =
     { case (x, y) => x + y }
    def add(a: URIO[Entity, Int])(b: URIO[Entity, Int]): URIO[Entity with Operation, Int] =
      ZIO.accessM(_.get[Service[URIO[Entity, *]]].add(a)(b))

    This way Entity and Operation can be combined like this:
