
Is there a way to register a global helper file for Handlebar.js?

I use Handlebar.js to render a template.

function renderTemplate(data, templateName) {
  const html = fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/templates/template2.hbs`, 'utf8')

  //register one helper
  hbs.registerHelper("formatName", function () {
    return "This is my jam"

  const template = hbs.compile(html)

  const rendered = template(data)
  return rendered

Now as you can see I can register a helper in the function. However, I might write 10-20 helpers. That way this function gets very 'bloated' en unnecessarily large. Is there a way to register a global helper.js file or something a like where I can put all my helpers?


  • Yes. Handlebars.registerHelper() allows you to pass in an Object and its keys will be registered as helper functions (see the Handlebars docs for more info).

    For example, these two are equivalent:

      foo() {},
      bar() {},
    Handlebars.registerHelper("foo", function(){});
    Handlebars.registerHelper("bar", function(){});

    You could then create a separate JS file that exports this Object. Your renderTemplate file then can import this for use.

    // hbs-helpers.js
    module.exports = {
      foo() {},
      bar() {},
    const hbsHelpers = require('./hbs-helpers.js');
    function renderTemplate(data, templateName) {
      const html = fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/templates/template2.hbs`, 'utf8');
      // register ALL helpers
      const template = hbs.compile(html);
      const rendered = template(data);
      return rendered;