
How to create package that will import jobs in Control-M?

I am very new to Control-M and have been trying to find an answer for this question for a while now. All of my jobs are on GitHub (json or xml) and I want to send them to Control-M but Control-M is not installed on my computer (it is installed on the computer of our team scheduling admin).

From my understanding so far, I need to export my files from GitHub in xml or json format for them to be 'readable' my Control-M. I cannot install Control-M Automation API workbench nor a Control-M instance on my computer (I am not allowed to install anything from the internet on my computer). How can I send all of my jobs to Control-M and import/load them into Control-M that is not on my computer? Do I need to write a package to import the jobs in the scheduler?

Apologies if my question is very stupid. Thank you very much for your help.


  • You should be able to install the Control-M fat client on your desktop. If your admin doesn't allow you to do that they really aren't allowing you to do your job. Alternatively they should give you access to a server where the fat client is installed.

    The fat client has options to import and export the scheduling tables and calendars in XML format.