
Chalice and Upgrading jq 1.3 to 1.6 in AWS Code Build

I have been trying to figure out how to update AWS CodeBuild preinstalled jq from 1.3 to 1.6 because of the --argjson argument that needs to be used. A simple apt-get does not work.


  • I have been trying to figure out how to update AWS CodeBuild preinstalled jq from 1.3 to 1.6 so I can use some additional functions needed for my DevOps. I did figure it out, so this is more of an answer instead of a question, but I thought I would share since I couldn't find anything online specifically for CodeBuild.

    # !/bin/bash
    pip install --upgrade awscli
    aws --version
    # Upgrade JQ so JSON substitution can work for layers
    tar -xzf jq-1.6.tar.gz
    cd jq-1.6
    autoreconf -fi && ./configure --disable-maintainer-mode && make && make install || exit 1
    jq --version

    Now the reason for this solution was so I can update my Chalice config file with a new lambda layer generated by my CodeBuild. Here is the whole solution for CodeBuild for Chalice:

    # !/bin/bash
    pip install --upgrade awscli
    aws --version
    # Upgrade JQ
    cd ..
    # Upgrade JQ so JSON substitution can work for layers
    tar -xzf jq-1.6.tar.gz
    cd jq-1.6
    autoreconf -fi && ./configure --disable-maintainer-mode && make && make install || exit 1
    jq --version
    cd ../
    cd src
    # Create virtual environment and install requirements
    pip install virtualenv
    virtualenv /tmp/venv
    . /tmp/venv/bin/activate
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    pip install snowflake-sqlalchemy
    cd ../
    ## Layer update
    mkdir -p lambda_layers/python/lib/python3.7/site-packages
    # 1) install the dependencies in the desired folder
    pip3 install  --upgrade snowflake-sqlalchemy -t lambda_layers/python/lib/python3.7/site-packages/.
    # 2) Zip the lambda_layers folder
    cd lambda_layers
    zip -r *
    # 3) publish layer
        echo aws lambda publish-layer-version \
            --layer-name fl-snowflake-lambda-layer \
            --compatible-runtimes python3.7 \
            --zip-file fileb://
    echo "layer response: $layerResults"
    layerARN=$(${layerResults} | jq '.LayerVersionArn')
    echo "LayerARN: $layerARN"
    cd ../
    cd src
    ## Update Config
    contents="$(jq --argjson arn ${layerARN} '.layers = [$arn]' .chalice/config.json)" && echo ${contents} && echo ${contents} > .chalice/config.json
    # Unit tests
    pip install -r requirements-test.txt
    pip install chalice
    export PYTHONPATH=.
    pytest ./tests/ || exit 1
    # Run Migrations
    alembic -x stage=${stage} upgrade heads || exit 1
    # Load Fixtures
    echo ${stage}
    python chalicelib/Fixtures/ ${stage} || exit 1
    # Package and deploy Chalice
    # chalice deploy --stage ${stage}
    chalice package --stage ${stage} /tmp/packaged
    aws cloudformation package --template-file /tmp/packaged/sam.json --s3-bucket "${APP_S3_BUCKET}" --output-template-file transformed.yaml