I am trying to train an acoustic model for CMUSphinx following the tutorial here.
So when i am training with the command sphinxtrain run
, I am getting the following problems:
Sphinxtrain path: /usr/local/lib/sphinxtrain
Sphinxtrain binaries path: /usr/local/libexec/sphinxtrain
Running the training
Configuration (e.g. etc/sphinx_train.cfg) not defined
Compilation failed in require at /usr/local/lib/sphinxtrain/scripts/000.comp_feat/slave_feat.pl line 51.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/local/lib/sphinxtrain/scripts/000.comp_feat/slave_feat.pl line 51.
Here is the file "sphinx_train.cfg"
Also no log file is created.
I am using Linux and I have downloaded sphinx here.
How to solve this problem?
I solved this problem by specifying the full path of sphinx_train.cfg
This is the line I edit in slave_feat.pl at line 50.
use SphinxTrain::Config cfg => '/home/ridwan/sphinx/other/etc/sphinx_train.cfg';
I did this for every file where the compilation failed:
Configuration (e.g. etc/sphinx_train.cfg) not defined