I've got a block of terraform code that produces a list of gcp regions
data "google_compute_regions" "available" {
project = var.project
output "name" {
value = data.google_compute_regions.available.names
~ name = [
+ "asia-east1",
+ "asia-east2",
+ "asia-northeast1",
+ "asia-northeast2",
+ "asia-northeast3",
+ "asia-south1",
+ "asia-southeast1",
+ "asia-southeast2",
+ "australia-southeast1",
+ "europe-north1",
+ "europe-west1",
+ "europe-west2",
+ "europe-west3",
+ "europe-west4",
+ "europe-west6",
+ "northamerica-northeast1",
+ "southamerica-east1",
+ "us-central1",
+ "us-east1",
+ "us-east4",
+ "us-west1",
+ "us-west2",
+ "us-west3",
+ "us-west4",
However, I want to filter out only the regions in europe.
Doing this
output "names" {
value = [for s in data.google_compute_regions.available.names : s if s == "europe-west1"]
only gives me one region, which is not what I want.
+ names = [
+ "europe-west1",
I'm not sure if wildcards are supported or how to write the logic for it.
I've tried using filers as described here but I don't seem to be getting it right.
data "google_compute_regions" "available" {
project = var.project
filter {
name = "name"
values = ["europe-*"]
But I run into the error
Blocks of type "filter" are not expected here.
Since it looks like filter is not supported on that data source for some reason, you will need to do a regex in the output, like this:
output "names" {
value = [for s in data.google_compute_regions.available.names : s if length(regexall("europe.*", s)) > 0]