
What is the proper format for typing React props in TSDoc?

I'm trying to apply the TSDoc standard for comments to a React project written in Typescript (with an eye towards generating documentation with Typedoc), but can't find any definitive answers for the preferred way to annotate a React props object. I've got this so far, where MyProps is an interface:

 * Description of my function component
 * @param props - React props
export default function MyComponent(props: MyProps) { ...

Is there a preferred method?


  • You want to document the props interface, and not the component itself. Which means this is the same as documenting fields of an interface.

    import React from 'react'
    interface FooProps {
      /** Testing 123 */
      foo: string
    function Foo({foo}: FooProps) {
      return <>{foo}</>
    <Foo foo="bar" />

    When you hover over foo= on the last line, you should see the documentation.

    enter image description here

    Playground example.