I have extracted some details of a SQL instance using:
$SQLInstance1 = Get-DbaInstanceProperty -SqlInstance SQL | Select-Object ComputerName, Name, Value | Where-Object Name -In ("FullyQualifiedNetName", "Edition", "PhysicalMemory", "Processors", "VersionString", "Collation", "IsClustered", "ResourceLastUpdateDateTime")
What's the best way to assign these values to variables from an Array output like this:
ComputerName Name Value
SQL Edition Enterprise Edition (64-bit)
SQL PhysicalMemory 1571485
SQL Processors 40
SQL VersionString 11.0.7493.4
SQL Collation Latin1_General_CI_AS
SQL IsClustered True
SQL ResourceLastUpdateDateTime 24/12/2019 9:58:55 PM
SQL FullyQualifiedNetName PTHSQL13.FMG.local
So I would want to assign $ComputerName = ComputerName
, $Edition = Edition
etc from above which I can then use to update a SQL table $ComputerName
Okay. First you need to convert the results to a Dictionary, and then create a new object using that dictionary of properties.
For example:
$dict = @{ }
(Get-DbaInstanceProperty -SqlInstance localhost | Select-Object ComputerName, Name, Value | Where-Object Name -In ("FullyQualifiedNetName", "Edition", "PhysicalMemory", "Processors", "VersionString", "Collation", "IsClustered", "ResourceLastUpdateDateTime")).GetEnumerator() | % { $dict.Add($_.Name, $_.Value) }
New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $dict
$result = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $dict
The above code should print out both FullyQualifiedNetName
value and Processors