I'm trying to use Promise.allSettled to call 3 urls and process the results when all are finished. However, I cannot seem to access the value of the responses, which are JSON. Here is my code:
let urlList = ['http...', 'http...', 'http...'];
let fetches = urlList.map(url => fetch(url));
.then((results) => { // (*)
results.forEach((result, num) => {
if (result.status == "fulfilled") {
//result.value is a response object and I cannot seem to access the response.body or the actual text/json value of the response
// in chrome developer tools, I can see the results I want, just can't seem to read them here
else if (result.status == "rejected") {
console.log(`Failed Calling: ${urls[num]}\n\treason: ${result.reason}`);
//call other method with combined results...
.catch((err) => {
What am I missing here? Thanks in advance for the help
Change this:
let fetches = urlList.map(url => fetch(url));
to this:
let fetches = urlList.map(url => fetch(url).then(res => res.json()));
That way your Promise.allSettled()
will give you an array of promises that resolve to your final value, not just to the response headers object so your result.value
property will be the final value for each promise.