Say I have a storage at Google containing a blob_file
{"name":"my name",
"number:"my number"
is there a way to download this file and return the download as a plain string instead of saving it as a file e.g
import json
from import storage
downloaded_json = storage.blob.some_function(bucket_name="mybucket",blob_file="blob_file") #Gets the context of "blob_file" as a string
#'{"name":"my name",
#"number:"my number"
name_dict = json.loads("downloaded_json") #Convert it to a dictionary such that it can be used
#"my name"
I am aware that I can download the file, read the file, delete the file - but it is to avoid this and it seems like, you can do so in Java
You can use download_as_text
function that is documented in the Google Cloud Storage client library here