I'm trying to query an API (lichess API). And I can't get the params to be correctly taken into account, because URI
formats the URL not in the expected format for array params.
The expected format is this one: curl https://explorer.lichess.ovh/lichess?ratings[]=2200&ratings[]=2500
. So the ratings
params is an Array of values, and the url should be using ratings[]=value
I'm currently generating my URI like this, as per the doc:
base = "https://explorer.lichess.ovh/master"
params = {
ratings: [1600, 1800]
uri = URI(base)
uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(params)
But this generate the URL like this: https://explorer.lichess.ovh/master?ratings=1600&ratings=1800
... which is not the expected format, and is not understood by Lichess API.
Does Ruby provide any built-in way to generate the params in the expected format, or will I need to build the URL manually (which feels like revinventing the wheel)?
Rails/ActiveSupport has a to_query method which will do what you want.
2.1.5 :010 > params.to_query
=> "ratings%5B%5D=1600&ratings%5B%5D=1800"
Also, have a look at this comment which explains why URI.encode_www_form
doesn't return square brackets.