There was a service in framework level, they are binding and starting that service from the framework only. I need to access that service and consume those APIs from the client (Android) side. I have gone through the most of the examples which are having code for create/start service connection from the client and whenever service connected in that connected listener using IBinder, we can access those APIs. I tried, like adding aidl file at client side with the same package structure and added following code.
val DevManager =applicationContext.getSystemService("servicename")
val clazz = Class.forName(
val method = DevManager.javaClass.getDeclaredMethod(
method.isAccessible = true
val DevService: IDevManager =
method.invoke(DevManager) as IDevManager
var status = DevManager.devStatus
We are getting NoSuchMethodException. Please suggest how can we achieve this, thanks in advance.
try {
val testManager = TestApplication.context!!.getSystemService(SERVICE_NAME)
val status = testManager.javaClass.getDeclaredMethod("methodName")
status.isAccessible = true
result = (status.invoke(testManager)).toString()
} catch (e: Exception) {
Log.d(TAG, " exception: ${e.message}")