
Plugin makes options dropdown not working in opencart product

I have a problem with Option tab on Add/Edit product. The problem is that when I installed the extension Autocomplete No More and when I choose Option it throws this error

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function getOptionData() on null in /../ocartdata/storage/modification/admin/controller/catalog/option.php:437

in option.php line 437 is

$option_data = $this->model_extension_catalog_autocomplete_no_more->getOptionData($this->request->post['option_id']);

And full function is this one

public function getOptionData() {
    if (isset($this->request->post['option_id'])) {

        $option_data = $this->model_extension_catalog_autocomplete_no_more->getOptionData($this->request->post['option_id']);

Is anyone has an idea why this throws null?


  • Issue:

    You are trying to call a method of an Object


    with the extension in the object name.

    but then you are loading the model without the extension in the path:


    So obviously the Error signals that you have not yet defined this object

    Call to a member function getOptionData() on null


    Fix it by adding extension to the path:


    or remove if from the object name:
