
Marklogic upgrade - creating local plugin repo

Our servers are not allowed to access internet, and I need to create and use a local repository ( the C:\Plugins directory ) located on the server having its MarkLogic Data Hub v4.1.1 upgraded.

We need to modify the local build.gradle file to use the repository containing the following 2 plugins ( shown in "plugins" section ).

This is current build.gradle file:

   plugins {
      // Gradle Properties plugin
      id '' version '1.4.6'

      // Data Hub plugin
      id '' version '4.3.2'

repositories {

if (project.hasProperty("disconnected") && !"FALSE".equalsIgnoreCase(disconnected)) {
       println "using offline repositories"
} else { 
        println"Using online repositories"
        maven { url "" }

I have managed to create a local Maven repo and Gradle repo which work well ( using code above in "repositories" section ), but need assistance with these plugins.

If I can get this last part to work, I should have a fully offline hub upgrade process, which will be incredibly useful.

Any help much appreciated.

Thank you.


  • You need quite a few pieces to get it fully working in offline mode:

    This PR in grove-ml-gradle gives best overview of necessary changes to my opinion:
