
Node.js nodemailer error - wrong version number/invalid greeting

I have a big problem with setting up the nodemailer on my node.js server. Tried everthing I found on the internet but nothing works. The only thing that was easy to setup was the gmail service. but unfortunately I cannot use that one.

With secure set to true, i get an ssl error with the reason wrong version code.

[Error: 22468:error:1408F10B:SSL routines:ssl3_get_record:wrong version number:c:\ws\deps\openssl\openssl\ssl\record\ssl3_record.c:332:
] {
  library: 'SSL routines',
  function: 'ssl3_get_record',
  reason: 'wrong version number',
  code: 'ESOCKET',
  command: 'CONN'

But when I try to set secure to false, then I get an invalid greeting error.

Error: Invalid greeting. response=* OK [CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1 UIDPLUS CHILDREN NAMESPACE THREAD=ORDEREDSUBJECT THREAD=REFERENCES SORT QUOTA ACL ACL2=UNION STARTTLS] Courier-IMAP ready. Copyright 1998-2016 Double Precision, Inc.  See COPYING for distribution information.: * OK [CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1 UIDPLUS CHILDREN NAMESPACE THREAD=ORDEREDSUBJECT THREAD=REFERENCES SORT QUOTA ACL ACL2=UNION STARTTLS] Courier-IMAP ready. Copyright 1998-2016 Double Precision, Inc.  See COPYING for distribution information.
    at SMTPConnection._actionGreeting (C:\Users\Motiondata\Documents\repos\rmn_app\server\rmn_server\node_modules\nodemailer\lib\smtp-connection\index.js:1189:27)
    at SMTPConnection._processResponse (C:\Users\Motiondata\Documents\repos\rmn_app\server\rmn_server\node_modules\nodemailer\lib\smtp-connection\index.js:932:20)
    at SMTPConnection._onData (C:\Users\Motiondata\Documents\repos\rmn_app\server\rmn_server\node_modules\nodemailer\lib\smtp-connection\index.js:739:14)
    at Socket.SMTPConnection._onSocketData (C:\Users\Motiondata\Documents\repos\rmn_app\server\rmn_server\node_modules\nodemailer\lib\smtp-connection\index.js:189:44)
    at Socket.emit (events.js:315:20)
    at addChunk (_stream_readable.js:309:12)
    at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:284:9)
    at Socket.Readable.push (_stream_readable.js:223:10)
    at TCP.onStreamRead (internal/stream_base_commons.js:188:23) {
  code: 'EPROTOCOL',
  response: '* OK [CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1 UIDPLUS CHILDREN NAMESPACE THREAD=ORDEREDSUBJECT THREAD=REFERENCES SORT QUOTA ACL ACL2=UNION STARTTLS] Courier-IMAP ready. Copyright 1998-2016 Double Precision, Inc.  See COPYING for distribution information.',
  command: 'CONN'

My code is the following:

const transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
  host: process.env.MAIL_HOST, //
  port: process.env.MAIL_PORT, // 143
  secure: true,
  auth: {
    user: process.env.MAIL_ADDRESS,
    pass: process.env.MAIL_PWD

I checked the credentials a thousand time, they are definetly not the problem.

Hope anyone can help me. Thanks in advance.


  • Refering to this issue mentioned here:

    See if this helps, adding the tls.ciphers option to use SSLv3:

    const transport = nodemailer.createTransport({
        host: process.env.MAIL_HOST, //
        port: process.env.MAIL_PORT, // 143
        secureConnection: false, // TLS requires secureConnection to be false
        auth: {
            user: process.env.MAIL_ADDRESS,
            pass: process.env.MAIL_PWD
        tls: {

    For Outlook365, this should work:

    service: "Outlook365",
    auth: {
       user: '[YOUR_O365_EMAIL]',
       pass: '[YOUR_O365_PASSWORD]'

    Refer here:

    If you're using HotMail, then remove host and port, and just add service: "hotmail".