I tried to extract amplitude & phase values from the fft
function result in the Matlab. I implemented the script as below
sf = 100; %sampling frequency
si = 1/sf; dt=si; %time sampling interval
L = 10; %Length of signal
t = linspace(0,L,L/dt+1);%(0:L-1)*dt; %time vector
fr = 4 %frequency
data = cos(2*pi*fr*t);
df = sf/length(data3); %frequency increment
f = linspace(0,length(data3)/2,length(data3)/2)*df; %frequency
fft_result =fft(data)/length(data);
spec_fft = abs(fft_result); %amplitude
pha_fft = angle(fft_result); %phase
When I checked the results of amplitude and phase values, of course, they showed peak values at a specific frequency that I specified. But, other frequencies also have amplitude. Of course, their values are very very small, but because of this problem, the phase spectrum didn't show me a clear result. Why other frequencies also have amplitude values?
And I made a cosine function that is not shifted. So I think the phase value should show the zero value, but it wasn't. Why this problem occurred?
These values won't be exactly zero due to the floating point operations involved. You generated a 4 Hz cosine with amplitude of 1. Taking the single-sided amplitude and phase spectrum shows an amplitude of 1, and a phase of 0 radians at the 4 Hz bin:
sf = 100; %sampling frequency
si = 1/sf; dt=si; %time sampling interval
L = 10; %Length of signal
t = linspace(0,L,L/dt+1);%(0:L-1)*dt; %time vector
fr = 4; %frequency
data = cos(2*pi*fr*t);
df = sf/length(data); %frequency increment
N = length(data);
f = ((0:(N/2))/ N) * sf; %frequency
fft_result =fft(data)/N;
spec_fft = abs(fft_result); %amplitude
% single sided amplitude
amp_single_side = spec_fft(1:N/2+1);
amp_single_side(2:end-1) = 2*amp_single_side(2:end-1);
% single sided phase
phase_single_side = angle(fft_result(1:N/2+1));
four_hertz_bin = find(f == 4);
four_hertz_amp = amp_single_side(four_hertz_bin);
four_hertz_phase = phase_single_side(four_hertz_bin);
plot(f, amp_single_side)
hold on;
plot(f(four_hertz_bin), four_hertz_amp, 'ro');
plot(f, phase_single_side);
hold on;
plot(f(four_hertz_bin), four_hertz_phase, 'ro');