
promQL API end points

As per the documentation here, there are 2 API end points for querying, one for range queries (GET /api/v1/query_range) and one for instant queries (GET /api/v1/query)

At the same time, I have been posting queries like this to the instant API end point:

metric_name{db='cpu',  category='db'}[5m]

which return range vectors (matrix result type) as the query above has a duration specified. I am assuming that since the query requires a range vector result, this is what is returned although the API end point is for an instant query. The start time is 5 minutes prior to the execution time which could be specified in the 'time' URL param to the API which in effect is also the end time. Not quite clear on what the step is, I am guessing it is collecting all available raw data points?

Is this breakdown of what is happening correct?


  • The /api/v1/query returns multiple data points per series if the query ends with square brackets. There are two cases exist:

    See more details on how to analyze raw Prometheus data with external tools in this article.