
Firebase onMessageReceived() returns no getNotification

Calling remoteMessage.getNotification() returns null and when calling remoteMessage.getData() I get a strange object back that has an initial property _wp={ as listed below. I need to extract the alert property each time but I am not sure how.

public void onMessageReceived(RemoteMessage remoteMessage) {
    RemoteMessage.Notification notification = remoteMessage.getNotification();
    Map<String, String> data = remoteMessage.getData();

    Log.d("DATA", remoteMessage.getData().toString());

The remote data log returns the below. So I can't seem get the title and text I need to in order to construct my notification.

{_wp={"c":"01euntvtna3epk83","alert":{"text":"Body text","title":"test"},"receipt":false,"type":"simple","targetUrl":"wonderpush:\/\/notificationOpen\/default","n":"01eunu08bjla8303","reporting":{"campaignId":"01euntvtna3epk83","notificationId":"01eunu08bjla8303"},"receiptUsingMeasurements":true}, alert=Body text}

I basically want to use them with when using the NotificationCompat.Builder


Any help will be greatly appreciated.


  • It is normal that remoteMessage.getNotification() returns null as WonderPush only uses FCM notifications with data inside them, nothing in the Firebase's own format.

    remoteMessage.getData() returns you with a map that can only store String values. This corresponds to the top-level JSON payload. This map's fields are the top-level JSON object fields, and its values are all stringified. So you'll have to parse the _wp key using new JSONObject(remoteMessage.getData().get("_wp")). You'll basically read the title and text fields of this parsed _wp JSON object to feed .setContentTitle() and .setContentText() of the NotificationCompat.Builder.

    But you should note that the WonderPush Android SDK is precisely here for that purpose:

    If you have an addition, it would make more sense to fork, hack, submit a pull request, and use your fork in the meanwhile.
